
Oral Cancer: An Unseen Enemy That Often Escapes Detection

Early detection plays a crucial role in the fight against cancer, including oral cancer. It is essential to remember that 25% of oral cancer cases are diagnosed in individuals who do not smoke. Therefore, it is vital for every patient to undergo a straightforward and painless oral cancer screening.

Signs & Symptoms

  • Smoking and other forms of tobacco use
  • Alcohol abuse
Regular screenings for oral cancer are crucial, as the human papilloma virus (HPV) can sometimes lead to this type of cancer. It is important to prioritize these screenings, regardless of the cause, as they greatly increase the chances of surviving this potentially deadly disease. Tragically, approximately 9,000 people in the United States lose their lives to oral cancer each year. Even those who survive may face disfigurement from treatment or the cancer spreading to other areas of the body.
Risk factors for oral cancer include:
  • Persistent soreness or irritation that doesn't resolve
  • Presence of white or red patches of skin within the oral cavity
  • Discomfort, sensitivity, or loss of sensation in your mouth or lips
  • Presence of a lump, thickened area, rough patch, scab, or minor erosion
  • Challenges with chewing, swallowing, speaking, or moving your tongue or jaw
  • Modification in the alignment of your teeth when you close your mouth
It is essential to undergo regular oral cancer screenings to detect the disease, even if there are no apparent symptoms or discomfort. Neglecting these screenings may lead to unknowingly harboring the disease, which can cause the multiplication of cancer cells and the development of oral tumors. People who have overcome oral cancer and are in remission are especially vulnerable to recurrence, particularly within the first ten years after their initial diagnosis.

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